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This is different

Is it easy to write a blog? I’ll find out the answer to that question as the months go on as I’ve not written one before. I have written a lot of books but a blog is different. It’s short, pithy and to the point, or so I’ve been told. As I’m more used to writing poetry each blog post will finish with a poem.

So what’s the point of this blog? I’m writing it to remind myself (and perhaps you too) that what we write isn’t nearly as important as what we are. If the two are out of sync, it is as confusing to others as a film with the sound coming a few seconds after the action.

A writer’s prayer

Eternal Word,

may my life

be the book

I write

for you.

May the thoughts

behind the story

have their genesis

in you.

May the narrative

of my doings

reflect you.

And when you write,

‘The end,’

may I meet you

face to face.

Irene Howat



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