The Lost Sheep

Jesus told of a shepherd who had a hundred sheep, one of which went missing. Leaving the ninety-nine he set out in search of the lost one.
Perhaps someone told him not to be silly, to be content with the ninety-nine sheep he had and to forget about the stupid creature that had wandered off. But the shepherd in Jesus’ story hunted until he found his lost sheep and then carried it safely all the way home.
We are lost sheep. We’ve all left the straight and narrow, we’ve all wandered off, and every one of us deserves punishment. But on the cross Jesus, our shepherd, was punished in our place, so opening the way for those who trust in him to receive forgiveness and a new beginning.
We have a choice. We can either spend our lives looking back with regret or looking forward in faith to the Lord our Shepherd who will carry us safely home to heaven. (See Luke 15:3-7)
By Irene Howat