Creative Recycling

We have recently been reminded by COP26 of the importance of being mindful of our planet and of avoiding waste. Right at the beginning God entrusted his wonderful creation to our first parents to steward it for him and we are heirs of their stewardship.
Here’s a poetic reminder of that and an example of creative recycling. Not only does Nan create a patchwork quilt, she also establishes the habit of prayer.
A winter’s tale
Evening was Nan’s time of day.
On summer evenings,
work done, chores finished,
she took herself into her garden
where she planted and potted,
weeded and pruned
to her heart’s content.
Winter evenings were different.
On winter evenings
Nan settled beside the fire,
surrounded, near engulfed,
by squares of cloth each waiting
to find its final resting place
in one of her patchwork quilts.
There she placed and pinned,
tacked and stitched
to her heart’s content.
As Nan sewed floral patches she thought
of those who deserved bouquets –
all who helped and cared,
nurtured and served.
Bright patterns reminded her of young folk
and she patched in her hopes for them.
Those who labour were remembered
when busily patterned fabrics found their places.
Sombre squares made her think of powerful people.
Stitch by stitch she wished for them
wisdom and integrity.
Old and faded fabrics brought
old and faded faces
and she prayed for their contentment.
Stitch by stitch and hour by hour,
square by square and winter by winter,
Nan wrapped everyone in patchwork
in her single-handed effort
to keep the whole world warm.
This blog was written for the Scottish Fellowship of Christian Writers by Irene Howat and is used by kind permission.