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We had some wonderful responses from our first "Blessed are the..." writing prompt. Poetry rather than prose. But, inspiration strikes how and when it will. I am always happy to see the end result in whichever format.

This month's prompt is sadly relevant for some of us at this time but, of course, is always relevant for someone somewhere. It would be a source of sadness if we didn't understand our Lord is in the business of transformation. As someone once said, what the caterpillar sees as death, the butterfly regards as birth.

The second Beautitude writing prompt is - "Blessed are they who mourn; for they shall be comforted."

Because the screen doesn't lend itself to longer pieces, keep the stories to 300 words or less and the poems to a single, easily-readable page or less, and send them to me at or message me on Facebook. I will type them up on the fellowship's web-site and add a link on the Facebook page.

All copyright stays with the writers and we assume we have permission to display them on the Fellowship's web-site and Facebook page. Please change names and locations where necessary to protect privacy.

From now until June 14th, tell us a story of a time you saw "Blessed are those who grieve; for they shall be comforted" played out in real life.


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