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Please welcome Rev. Janice Andrews, of the Musselburgh Congregational Church, to the Fellowship. She is the author of It's All about Jesus - When Time Met Infinity.

Janice says -

"I'm so excited about writing, I feel it is a call within a call. It is definitely all of God.

I prayed through the whole process [of publishing her book through Amazon Create Space] and when it came to ordering books to sell, I'd no idea whether to order a few or a lot.

"God led me to scripture which promised that He turns the shower into a torrent and so, with this promise, I took the leap of faith and ordered five hundred. And I've sold them all but a few!!! And in three weeks!!! Sorry for all the exclamation marks but I'm so excited. I want to write more.

"I'm already planning "the last week of Christ's earthly life" which will be the journey to the cross. I need guidance, and fellowship with like minded people of faith who are also called to write. I am looking forward to getting to know you all."

Please click on Janice's photo for a link to her book.


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