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Competition Time

Scottish Fellowship of Christian Writers Competition details: Autumn Theme

Prizes: 1st Prize - £50; 2nd Prize - £25; 3rd Prize - £15

Adjudicator: Kenneth Steven (renowned Scottish poet and novelist)

Entry Fee:

Non-members: £5 per poem or 3 for £12

Members: £3 per poem or 3 for £7.50

Closing Date: 30th September 2017

• The competition is open to anyone aged 16 or over.

• Poems on the theme of Autumn should be in English and not previously published.

• Poems must be no longer than 40 lines.

• Each poem must be on a separate sheet of A4 paper. All entries are read by the adjudicator and judged anonymously so should not bear your name or any other form of identification. Please enclose your details on a separate sheet. Email entries cannot be accepted.

• For a receipt of entry, please enclose a stamped addressed envelope.

• Cheques should be made payable to Scottish Fellowship of Christian Writers.

• The winners will be announced at the Fellowship’s conference on 11th November, 2017, at Cornton Baptist Church, Stirling. Details are on the website or available from the Competition Secretary.

• The prize-winning poems will be published in the Winter 2017 issue of the Fellowship’s magazine, WordWise. No person may win more than one prize.

• Poems cannot be returned to the contestants. The decision of the adjudicator will be final and there can be no correspondence concerning the result.

• Entries should be sent to the competition secretary:

Sandra Bain,



Muir of Ord,

IV6 7RY.

Please note that A4 envelopes require Large Letter postage


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