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SFCW Membership


Membership is open to any who love The Lord and love writing. Annual fee is £15 which includes our magazine, Showcase.


Conferences are the second Saturdays of May and November. The November conference is free (online) and the May conference is £12, or free for someone who becomes a member at the conference.


If you are free why not come to our next conference, we'd love to see you there.


Jock Stein is our membership secretary.  Use the form below to get in touch with Jock about becoming a member, or any questions you might have.


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To download a standing order form, please click the pdf logo below. Complete and return to the address on the form. 
Our Bank details are -
Bank of Scotland, Kirkintilloch branch.
Account Name - The Fellowship of Christian Writers.
Sorting Code - 80-08-64.
Account number - 00318627.
Please use your full name as Payment Reference. Thank you.

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