Kids, Cuddles & Caffeine
Edmund Farrow
One housedad's struggle to remain chirpy in a world full of sleep-deprived women and toddlers with toilet issues.
It's not difficult being a stay at home parent. In fact, even a man could do it...
Ed is that man. He just wishes he wasn't the only one. Surrounded by mums and two-year-olds, he hankers after someone to talk to about PlayStations as well as poo.
That's where Dave comes in. He's a new housedad still learning the ropes. When they make contact, Ed seizes the chance to pass on all he's learnt. Offering advice about everything from potty training to surviving a zombie invasion, Ed shares the epic tale of his daily battle to stay sane in a world full of crazy people who keep getting between him and quality time with his Xbox.
Besides educating Useless Dad, Steve, who barely knows which way up to hold his children, Ed finds himself match-making Scary Karen, the forthright organiser of the local playgroup. Meanwhile, his best friend, Rob, is afraid of commitment but unexpectedly about to become a father. Ed has to reassure him, compete with Supermum who lives next door and, somewhat reluctantly, cross swords with the neighbourhood's most terrifying granny.
Oh, and then there's the almost trivial matter of raising three children to be happy, polite, confident individuals. (Preferably without making too much mess.) How hard can it be?
Toys, Teenagers & Tantrums
Edmund Farrow
One housedad's battle to keep his socks dry while raising three children to be happy, polite, confident and grateful.
It's not difficult being a stay at home parent.
In fact, even a man could do it...
Ed is that man – with years of experience and all the stains to prove it. He writes about his adventures to Dave, another housedad, offering advice on everything from organising outings to starting a small-scale dictatorship.
In this second volume of Ed’s epic parenting tale, he must save his teenage nephew, Ned, from being sent to boarding school. What begins with a little maths tutoring quickly leads to questions of identity, purpose and personal hygiene, not to mention a part-time IT support job. Meanwhile, Ed’s best friend, Rob, is about to get married and there’s a stag weekend to survive, full of guns, sheep and icy water. Of course, that’s just basic training compared with going for a cup of tea and a biscuit at Scary Karen’s house.
And, as his children get older, Ed must face up to the fact that housedads are not forever...
Housedad Hero Book 2 - The brilliant sequel to Kids, Cuddles & Caffeine.
Fun, Fatherhood & Freedom
Edmund Farrow
One housedad's quest to remain smiling as his children get bigger, he gets older and all the biscuits keep getting eaten.
It's not difficult being a stay at home parent.
In fact, even a man could do it...
Ed is that man – with years of experience and all the stains to prove it. He writes about his adventures to Dave, another housedad, offering advice on everything from meal preparation to surviving Hula dance workshops.
In this final volume of Ed’s epic parenting tale, he must come to terms with all his children being at school. Much as he'd like to take the opportunity for a little lie down, he still finds himself beset by tantrums and demands for attention - just not from his kids. Useless Dad, Steve, needs to recruit an assistant management consultant on the cheap. Meanwhile, Scary Karen wants help getting pregnant. They both decide Ed is the guy to call...
Is this really the beginning of the end for Ed's housedad adventure? Perhaps... but there's a far bigger question for Ed to answer: Why won't his five-year-old daughter, Marie, put her shoes on?