The Lost Sheep
Jesus told of a shepherd who had a hundred sheep, one of which went missing. Leaving the ninety-nine he set out in search of the lost...

Health Warning
Over the last twenty years I’ve had four books published, books about Christian missionaries. I’ve also had a few articles and stories ...

Your Brother
I love the way that some of the letters in the New Testament, concerning the early church contain such practical messages. They also ...

The world is in the midst of an identity crisis at every level. No wonder it resembles the stormy sea depicted in Revelation, out of...

For two thousand years the world has been living in a fog of untruth about God and His chosen Hebrew people, symbolised by the true olive...

Daffodils & Tulips
There are some daffodils already in bloom. Poor things! Even in rough weather the wind has them dancing in the most engaging way. They...

Deep Silence
When we lived in Campbeltown there was a very active music society and its monthly concerts filled one of the local church halls. In the...

Watching paint dry
I have enjoyed painting for as long as I can remember. Starting with poster paints at school and then moving on to oils later (oh, the...

The comfort of the ordinary
This is the mince time of year. After all the turkey and trifle, cake and mincemeat pies, not to mention the odd chocolate or three,...

Time for change
Does the reminder of the coming of the Saviour to earth change us? I don’t mean does the whole jamboree leave us exhausted, or does the...